Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Website Reflection

I really should not have thought this is an easy assignment.
In the first, knowing that I have some experience in web-design and web-development, I thought this would be a very easy task for me. So I scheduled this web development assignment in a Sunday afternoon, hoping to finish that within five hours. However, when I take out my brain-stormed concept map and started looking at the assignment description, I started to doubt. It was not allowed to use Dreamweaver!...
And when I get to it and started working, I found it was neither funny nor easy. Although NVU was a simple, small program to develop webpages, it is still a new program for me, and I need to get familiar with the program and change the habitual way to do things, such as insert a button or using CSS to style a division. And yes, I encountered Roslyn’s problem, which was the inability to actualize the originally planned website due to technical problems or limitations. There’s a lot of limitations using this program. However, when I finished the website, which took me one afternoon and one evening, I suddenly realize that, although this small program has its limitation (because it is so small and it’s free~!), it also has its advantages. Imagine you are in a place where you will need to develop a quick website and you do not have available Dreamweavers in your hand, what do you gonna do? You definitely will not be willing go ahead and spend more than 200 bucks to buy a Dreamweaver for this one-time usage. And, also, another highlight of this program is its being quick (of course, after you have spend sometime and get familiar with it). Although the code it produces is not as “healthy” (this is a common problem of all web-developing programs, unless you do not use them and just open a Notepad file and starting constructing a web-page with typing the codes), it’s definitely convenient because of its what-you-see-is-what you-get feature.

And, although I am not as satisfied with the web-page I developed, I am still gonna link it here, just to remind me whenever I want to develop a quick website to answer a favor from a friend or something. So, here is my website. :)

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